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Finding our roots through visual style

Make a newspaper ad poster for a product you have been using for the last 10 years incorporating one of the following folk art/Indian art styles.

1. Shadow Puppet of Kerala
2. Ragmala Painting
3. Pithora Painting
4. Madhubani Painting
5. Gond Art
6. Kalighat Painting
7. Patachitra
8. Mughal Miniature

I chose Shadow Puppet of Kerala(Tholpavakoothu) and made a newspaper advertisement taking a bunch of Natraj pencils and a pair of Titan glasses since I have been using these things for the past 10 years.

Through unwavering self-confidence, one man uplifts others from despair, demonstrating the transformative power of belief. His presence inspires extraordinary feats, igniting a ripple effect of empowerment throughout the community, showcasing the profound impact of individual confidence on collective achievement.


Take any of the slogans mentioned below, to illustrate a composition expressing the slogan through visuals, showcasing the relationship between negative and positive. Can also incorporate the other two principles of structure and depth. 

1. Just Do It! 
2. Think different! 
3. Snap, Crackle and Pop!
4. The Happiest Place On Earth!
5. Confidence in Motion!
6. When it rains, it pours!
7. Can you hear me now?
8. Big enough. Small enough.
9. Where science meets art.
10. Name your own price.

I was intrigued by the idea of exploring the perspective of a graffiti artist from both their elevated viewpoint and the vantage point of the wall they're working on. Thus, I embraced the challenge and set out to depict the artist from a higher perspective as well as from the unique viewpoint of the wall itself.


Ask yourself - what does a kangaroo look like? How about a child flying a kite from the kit's perspective? The last reel you saw on Instagram? Please give it a think before you scurry off to look it up on the internet. Try to draw the objects or scenes you think of. Once finished, look up images and draw the same thing from references. analyze the difference in both drawings.

Lucknow, the city of heritage, exudes an enchanting blend of timeless elegance and rich cultural tapestry. Nestled along the banks of the Gomti River, this historical gem captivates visitors with its majestic architecture, intricate craftsmanship, and vibrant culinary scene. From the resplendent grandeur of the Bara Imambara to the serene beauty of the Rumi Darwaza, every corner of Lucknow whispers tales of bygone eras and illustrious Nawabi legacies. Its bustling bazaars, adorned with colorful textiles and fragrant spices, beckon wanderers to immerse themselves in the city's vibrant atmosphere. With its warm hospitality and enduring charm, Lucknow stands as a testament to India's illustrious past, inviting travelers to embark on a captivating journey through time and tradition.


This particular assignment requires you to create an infographic with a large illustration as the main piece of the graphic. You have to illustrate a process and then have at least three other pieces of information within the infographic.

A visual guide to travelling: Choose a Tier 2 city in India and show information about the basic travel guidelines for that city. You can choose to focus on a specific topic about that city like, “places to visit”, “things to pack”, “language guide” etc. I 6386088062 I Gandhinagar,Gujarat
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Parth Dayal
Portfolio 2024.
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